My 100 Month Review

I was living at mom and dads at the time, unemployed, yet again.  I was 38 years old, and my stuff was in a storage unit that my parents paid for.  I had just started sessions with my life coach a couple months before, and would then come home to being treated like a kid instead of an adult.  Instead of being...

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How Can You Soar Like An Eagle Surrounded By Turkeys?

As I have stated before, when you write over 350 posts during these eight plus years, there will be times when you think a topic or a video clip gets duplicated.  Then again, if that is the case, there’s probably reason for it given the circumstances.  So, at the risk of duplication (not that I really care),...

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A Detour With No End In Sight. Maybe.

As many of you know, I have a side project that takes up more of my free time than I originally thought.  For the most part, I have been really good in respecting the wishes of those in charge and not promoting or talking about it on my various social media pages that are comedy related.  But this time, I will talk...

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Don’t Be A Chump, Be A Sal Instead

I don’t know why, but it always seems that when someone passes away that was influential in my life, it relates to comedy because there are lessons from that person which the comedy community as a whole should embrace, but do not. I used to be big into the karaoke scene in the city before I got entrenched into...

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When It All Doesn’t Line Up Nicely

As I sit here tonight, I am alone once again.  No relationship, no close friends readily available to talk to.  It’s not like I can post something and have a plethora of people offering their assistance.  Life doesn’t seem to work like that for me.  It never has. People that I  get mentored from rarely,...

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Different Ingredients, Same Recipe

Trust me, after eight years in comedy, I know what I am not.  What I am not, is popular.  Sure, my Facebook fan page is a shade over 240, while the other fan pages are just over 50 likes a piece.  About 50 followers on Instagram, a couple dozen on one Twitter handle, and over 80 followers on the Twitter account...

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