What The Mirror Shows

I have said before that an open mic at a regular pub or bar differs greatly from a show at an actual comedy club.  In the last few weeks I have taken part in the only live comedy show currently held in the city.  With no other live shows on the horizon for a while, comics are starting to support it on a more...

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Too Much, Filters Out Not Enough

There was this woman I talked to for a while.  She’s in her early to mid 30s, no kids and a great career truly making a difference in the lives of others.  I met her several years back while with a previous employer.  Around the time of my birthday we reconnected and chatted.  Things seemed okay, as we made...

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The Defining Narrative?

When I sit down to write a blog post, it’s usually based on what I feel in the moment.  Yes, those thoughts and emotions may not last the next day, or next week for that matter.  But, they are part of the narrative and why The Stand-Up Diaries is such a compelling read. My plans, thoughts and feelings can...

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This Above All: To Thine Own Self Be True…..

I love watching interviews and talk shows, especially when comedians are being interviewed.  I sat down to watch Charlie Rose tonight, and his guest was Larry David.  If you watched t.v. sitcoms back in the 1990s then you probably watched or could rehearse lines from an episode of Seinfeld, the quintessential show...

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