A Main Course of Disappointment, Arrogance and Alienation? What’s For Dessert?

Have you seen the movie The Family Man?  Of course you haven’t.  I’ve talked about it on here before.  It’s the show where Nic Cage, in my favourite movie of his to watch, gets thrust into a different life from the corporate executive he is.  All because of one simple decision he made years ago,...

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And So It Goes

I used to be a trendsetter in my early days of comedy.  Looking back, I can say that it’s a 50/50 split whether I deserved what happened, or not.  It surprised many, though probably secretly, as I never heard much in the way of compliments or criticism.  It all comes down to three words.  The Park Town Hotel.  Okay,...

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The Roller Coaster Has Been Dismantled And Sold

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before…….. I met this great girl…… (chirping of crickets) (people snoring) “Have I done this THAT often?” Maybe I am being a bit too optimistic.  I always thought when it felt easy and right, that’s a good sign.  Well, it turns out...

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Transparent Or Translucent?

I’ve been at this for a very long time now, much longer than I ever expected.  The comedy journey has lasted far longer than any relationship, far longer than any job or volunteering commitment I have had.  Well, besides attending church, which I have done for the last fifteen years or so, but only belonging to...

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Four Wheels Versus Two Feet

I find myself in positions I have never been in, or experienced in decades.  This all comes in the last few months.  Thankfully, life has kicked me in the teeth more often than many of you who read this, which is another way of saying I’m humbled enough to not get overly excited about this. I am stating to view...

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