A Year Later And What Have We Learned?

I am more than aware that it’s been longer than a year since my excursion to Los Angeles.  Comedy aside, the only other thing that bummed me out was not going to check out new restaurants while I was there.  Then again, I was alone in California and not the most confident comedian around, which may have lead to...

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Back To The Scene Of The Crime

This will probably be the last post of 2017, so I will take a moment for reflection, with an eye towards the future and a major announcement. This year has probably been the most difficult of my life.  I would almost put it right up there with the year of the trial and trying to get Nicki back (the first time). I...

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Redemption Before The 7 Year Itch

In 2018 I will attempt to achieve a couple of things. First of all, I will get back to The Laugh Shop stage for a final show there.  Secondly, I will be in attendance at all the open mics in the city.  Now that there are three a week, it will give me exposure and experience in front of different types of audiences. I...

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The Silent Majority

Do you know what the three big differences are between myself and Irish Steve? I have never been a joke thief. Whenever I meet adversity in my comedy career, I actually meet it head-on instead of running away and hiding. He can write a status update about getting the sniffles and have that post flooded with comments....

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I’d Like To Order No Fear From The Menu

Well, the second night in Los Angeles was the first time doing open mics in California. After my first two performances, it’s nice to know that it can’t get any worse. I was told to use Über by Jerry to get to Burbank, bit I’m kinda old school. I prefer a taxi. Well, taxi cabs here might as well be...

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