It’s Been A Grind


I am NOT participating tonight in the competition.  Why you ask?

Well, the last two weeks have been a gong show to say the least.  Work is great, at least the job itself is, but the girl who trains me for the warehouse job talks to me like I’m a 5 year old, and I need to bite my tongue and hope the doctor tells her to be off work next month.  She will be on maternity leave in the summer, I’d just like her to leave a lot sooner.

Plus, having only Kenny show up Monday night is a bit of a let-down.  The response Tuesday night at Specklebelly’s was embarrasing.  Last week I got only a couple hours sleep a night getting ready for Crackers.  Then this week, with the competition….I probably won’t finish 3rd, as I am destined for 4th place I think, behind the other three in it.  I thought I’d be good enough to challenge for third place, as the top three finish in the money ($1000 for 1st, $350 for 2nd and $150 for 3rd), but I don’t think I will be, even with the new opening I wrote today at lunch. 

The truth is, I feel as if I am going through this week alone, and with the stress of last week, this bitchy pregnant woman at work (she was like that before she got knocked up) and the extreme differences of audience reactions from Monday to Tuesday…..I really need a night of sleep, although I doubt I will get much.

I know what you guys will say, and to that I say this…

I am not a robot, I am human.  I have emotions and feelings and sometimes they get in the way of rational thought, as in tonight.  After today I’m just not in the mood to go tonight to have a repeat of Tuesday night.  Not tonight anyhow. 

You know, it’s funny that the people who comment I should go, at least some of them have never been to watch me yet.  I think tomorrow will be a better day, maybe because I will get my first paycheck in almost two months.  It would be nice to see some of you out Friday night at the Adobe Inn in Martensville, although I’m not holding my breath…….

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