The Comeback HAS Started

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I am officially back in the Saskatoon comedy scene.

I had asked if I could attend the comics only meeting that took place last night.  While I won’t discuss specifics of its content, I think it’s alright to say that the club will be handling any bookings that the local comics do receive.  This is good news to get, as there will be opportunity down the road to perform at out-of-town gigs.  I believe things happen for a reason, and today I was told that the owner of the karaoke bar I work at, wants another person to share the hosting duties with me.  Now this will free up Saturdays for me, as some gigs do take place on a Saturday night!  See, prayer works!

Being part of the group again was nice, and I had a talk with club management.  They were good discussions where both sides got to hear the other out.  It’s almost like a marriage in a sense.  You will have your good days and your bad, so what do you do when the bad times hit?  You take a step back, assess the situation and derive a plan to move forward.

Having said that, there will be a comeback date set sometime within the next month for my return to the comedy stage.  I need at least a couple sessions with my coach to finish what I’ve started.  I am about 65% there maybe…..we’ve completely gutted the core of my routine that I used for the last several months I was on stage.  A few of the comics I spoke with last night mentioned that they have encountered a dry spell in writing new material, while I’ve come up with at least 20 minutes of new material since I started working with my coach.  So, what does that say?

Not that I am trying to be cocky or arrogant, but I think it speaks to the lengths I’ve gone to in order to get better.  Part of this is because I’ve gained knowledge that the others have yet to be exposed to.  The first 40 pages of the e-book really empowered me, and shows me that I can write about anything aside from the self-deprecating poor-Trevor type of comedy, which composed 95% of my material before.

I realize I may have ruffled a feather or two by saying that, but then I would counter with this reply.  My life has gotten in the way, as I have a new job I’m learning the ropes for, and spending time with an incredible lady I’ve met recently.  However, having been knocked down and getting back up several times I can tell you that at least for me, there comes a time when “life” (the world around you) has to take a back seat to focusing on what needs to get done.  Sure, starting (writing material) is a very difficult process, but at the same time, anybody whether you are a comic or not, once you read just the first 1/3 of this e-book, it empowers you.

Everybody is different, but to get better as a comic you must check your ego at the door, admit that you don’t know it all, put on the work boots and get writing.  For me, I needed to know the why and the how to being funny because that was the only way I would ever improve.  This book, along with my comedy coach shows the why and the how (two things my coach, a professional comedian for over 25 years, says most comics aren’t aware of).

Certainly there is pressure coming back, no…more like expectations.  The comics and friends alike are excited and eager to see just what a comedy coach has done for me.  The comedy club will be packed.  Make no mistake about it.  It will be packed for my return…..I may even have a promotional video to show you guys highlighting my return   🙂

Every comic will be watching and listening intently to see what the difference is.  The comics hope I am funnier, but the difference is that I’ve sacrificed some things to work on comedy, and when you see the amount of new material I’ve written in the last two months, I’d gather it’s more than the others.  Again, I’m ready to show people who don’t believe in me that it’s possible to succeed in comedy.

I keep the detractors at the forefront of my mind, because that, and being kicked enough times serves as motivation.

By the way…..before some of you think I am going way over the top on this, and making claims about my return that I can’t back up, you need to understand something.

I’m not any average guy.  I don’t talk shit.  I back up what I say, and just like the karaoke league when I get the word out that I’m doing something different and entertaining, I generate interest and bring the people out.  Sure I can hype this up, but I can actually deliver the goods and I don’t have the egotistical attitude either.  Trust me, I’ve seen people who have egos, they take everything too seriously, don’t allow themselves or others to have fun at their expense.

In fact, I’d be willing to be that if I didn’t show measurable improvement, where I get the laughs everyone else already gets, THAT I WOULD QUIT COMEDY

That’s right critics, line up to beak off, because you are the first ones who will be eating a big pile of shit when I’m done crushing the shit out of my material upon my return.

That isn’t ego talking.

Those are the facts, jack. 

If you want to be in my kitchen and turn up the heat, that’s fine…..just make sure you’re man enough to stay in the kitchen when you turn up that heat so the fire can burn you to the ground.

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