100 Postings & A Happy Anniversary

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A few minutes ago I surpassed the two year mark of performing stand-up comedy in Saskatchewan, and with this posting being # 100 of my internationally read blog, I felt now is a good time to reflect and let you in on a few things you may not have known about the blog.

Since I started the blog just after Christmas in 2011, I’ve had my share of comments, some good, some bad and some downright ignorant.  The good thing is that I pre-approve all comments before they are posted, and the senseless ones end up getting deleted because they serve no purpose to print.  The title page of the blog has a new look and a new intro page with the YouTube videos at the bottom of the page.  The background kind of has a Halloween type of look to it also.

I’ve had more than my share of crap in my life that should have derailed my comedy career, but it hasn’t.  I have continued to keep on progressing and getting better in spite of the circumstances that I face at times.  I’ve always prided myself on being a comic who never disrespected others to get a laugh, I never bullied comics on Facebook either.

In addition to the comedy club, I tried to get comedy started at a couple of different venues.  First was at Lydias before they closed, and soon after I started, a couple new guys made their comedic debuts on the Lydias stage on open mic nights, until I was told that comedy would no longer be part of the open mic nights, it would be solely for musical acts only.  This was just when I started to get some good laughs too!

Then I spearheaded a few comedy nights at the Woods Ale House downtown when it opened up.  I did this with some of the newer comics in the city.  They were “Irish” Steve Thomas and the Williamson twins, Dylan and Dustin.  These three guys helped me out and we encouraged each other through the stage time at Lydias and the Woods Ale House, when the audiences were less than ideal for a comedy setting.  These guys are ones I consider friends, they have been supportive and we have all been able to provide input to one another on material.  Getting to know those three guys has been one of the best things about doing comedy for me.

WordPress only started to keep track of the readership stats for my blog from the end of February, 2012.  So, the numbers may be a bit off since there were a couple months of readers prior, but this gives you a good idea of the blogs reach thus far.

It has been viewed over 6,270 times & in 53 countries around the world.  The countries are listed in order of the number of views (from most to least).  They are:

  1. Canada
  2. U.S.A.
  3. United Kingdom
  4. Australia
  5. Romania
  6. Mexico
  7. India
  8. Denmark
  9. Germany
  10. Philippines
  11. Hong Kong
  12. Poland
  13. Brazil
  14. Sweden
  15. Singapore
  16. Malaysia
  17. Netherlands
  18. Russian Federation
  19. Turkey
  20. Peru
  21. Argentina
  22. United Arab Emirates
  23. Slovenia
  24. Egypt
  25. Israel
  26. Columbia
  27. Greece
  28. Jamaica
  29. Italy
  30. Ghana
  31. Bosnia & Herzegovina
  32. Benin
  33. Czech Republic
  34. Macedonia
  35. Virgin Islands
  36. Saudi Arabia
  37. Papua New Guinea
  38. Ukraine
  39. South Africa
  40. Croatia
  41. Hungary
  42. Saint Kitts & Nevis
  43. Spain
  44. Switzerland
  45. Belgium
  46. Portugal
  47. Indonesia
  48. Finland
  49. Taiwan
  50. New Zealand
  51. Pakistan
  52. Lativa
  53. Gabon

To the people from around the world who, one way or another have come across my blog, I humbly say thank you.  To those on WordPress who have blogs of their own and have chosen to follow mine, again I say thank you.  My friends, and a member of the media follow my blog through their e-mail and for that I also say thanks.  A thank you goes as well to the ones who “like” the Facebook comedy page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Trevor-Dean/179432105476290?ref=hl

To those who have left comments (the ones that are posted), whether they be critical or praise worthy, I thank you.  I didn’t think that it would have the reach it has, then again maybe it’s more of an authentic and interesting read because of the struggles I’ve had, making it more relatable to those who read it.  

Lastly, but certainly not least I thank my close friends and my congregation at Life Outreach Church.  If it wasn’t for all of you who helped me when I needed it the most, not only would I not be doing comedy, I more than likely wouldn’t have had the strength necessary to endure and persevere from getting the job I currently have.  There are too many people to thank but they know who they are.

I cannot tell you where this comedy will take me.  It may see breakthrough success, or the victories may remain local; either way I’ll be okay with that, as long as I surround myself with positive people combined with the desire to write about my experiences.  The interest, intrigue and support I’ve received while writing this blog makes it easier to move forward every month.

Thank-you, and be blessed!

Trevor Dean

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