Pass The Hat Or Pass The Buck?

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In less than 24 hours I will be back on a comedy stage for the first time in almost five months, in the city I didn’t think I’d return to for comedy, performing for local comics who don’t think I’m funny.  Does this script sound familiar?

I haven’t really sat down yet to plan out how in the hell I’m going to cut 7 minutes of material into a tight five.  I’ll be wearing the Halloween costume while performing, unsure if I will wear the mask or not.  I guess that depends if I can be heard through the mask or not.

I have been rehearsing the material every day for the past 4+ months during my walks to and from work.  I’ve had a chance to tweak things recently to give the material a bit more of a Halloween flavour to it.  The material that my coach and I wrote will work in any room, for any audience.  It’s clean, and it’s funny.  I know the material will work, because I faced this type of oppression and scare tactics before only for me to come out on the winning end.

I am not really worried about tomorrow night, as I now know where my biggest laughs will come during the set, so now it’s a matter of letting the laughs play themselves out and not to step on top of them like I did the last time.  I will have an audio recording tomorrow night….don’t think it will be posted to the website, but to those of you who will want to hear it, I can email the file if you like.

God bless!

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