Get That Garbage Outta Here!

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The greater the struggle, the greater the victory.

The greater the victory, the greater the testimony.

Make no mistake about it, 2015 sucked.  I do not wish this upon anybody, regardless of what names I’ve been called or how judgmental people have been towards me.  I have been tossed to the side of the road, left for dead.  People thought I couldn’t fight my way back.  They gave me no chance.  But I had a weapon on my side that I finally became fearless enough to use.

Faith.  That, coupled with an amazing church family to help me achieve victory was the best way to finish the year, even though the way it started was less than ideal.  Having said that, it’s the right thing to do to thank a few people while looking forward to the new year, which cannot come soon enough!

Thanks to Dez for giving me the opportunity to come back and start to get better.  Say what you will about him, but there is no single person that does more for local comedy in Saskatoon than Dez.  There is more comedy on a weekly basis in Saskatoon than anywhere else in the province.  In the new year he has secured three nights of local comedy on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  All you have to do is search for Dez on Facebook to find out more.

Thank you to the rest of the Saskatoon comedy scene for allowing me to come back and be a part of such a creative, talented and eclectic group of performers.  It’s an honour and a privilege to share the stage with you every week.

To Dane, who runs the Pass The Hat show in Regina, thank you for allowing me to be a part of a neat experience.  In terms of consistency, it’s one of the most fun shows to be a part of.

Thank you to Jerry Corley, founder of the Stand Up Comedy Clinic in Los Angeles.  Our working relationship is over 2 1/2 years old.  I am looking forward to working with him in the new year.

Scott Epp, owner of Abundance Coaching (now based out of Sydney, Australia) gave me the tools to get my life back together when I needed it the most.  He has been with me since before I decided to tackle comedy, and for that I am forever thankful.

Thanks to my friends (you’ll notice I did not mention family, because they are quite uncool), and the congregation of LOC.  Without your help, I’m not where I am today.

I guess a thank you list would not be complete without saying thank you to the most important woman in my life, the one whom I will supposedly marry in 2017 (she told me that, so who am I to argue?)

Although you may have believed in me, I’m not sure you believed in us the way that I did.  I had to act quickly to try and get you back into my life because I am sure if it was left to your own devices, you would have waited a long time to reach out to me.  The thing I have learned is, the longer you wait, the more you become accustomed to hanging on to that hurt and let it, and those around you keep you from fulfilling your destiny in life.  I hope you can look back on the last three months of this year and have an appreciation for what I did to get things back to where they needed to be.  Being scared isn’t the answer.  Planting your feet firmly on the ground and moving forward is.  Don’t forget about the past.  Learn from it.  Be wiser for the experience.  We are stronger and more in love than before because of what we went through, not in spite of it.  She will be sitting in the front row of my shows from now on.  She is amazing in every sense of the word.  I look forward to spending many more years with you as a family.

Some of my friends didn’t think I had a chance to get her back, or to overcome my personal issue that caused me to step away from comedy for a while.  But what I’ve learned is people who think I will give up, quit or fail are of that mindset because it’s what they would do in the same situation.

Think about it!  People at my church prayed over me for victory because they believed it could be possible.  Now, which type of people would you rather hang out with in times of crisis?  Exactly.

Last but not least, thank you to comedy fans wherever you are.  Thank you for following the blog, the videos and coming out to the shows.  It’s appreciated.  I am deeply humbled and honoured to have your love and support.  Next year we are gonna kick some ass on the comedy stage.

I know you’re thinking I’m full of shit, but guess what?  People were negative before and I showed them up every single time.  This is getting to be fun.  Be blessed!  Feel free to comment below if you so choose.


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