The Future Of The Stand-Up Diaries

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There are some comedians who have radio shows in the province.  There are some that have podcasts.  But I write Saskatchewan’s only comedy blog, and in the coming weeks I will be releasing Saskatchewan’s only comedy podcast about comedy.  Comedians interviewing comedians about comedy.

As I have been made aware by my IT guy, there is a lot to putting together a podcast.  At this time I am unsure of a name for the show and whether or not it will be on a separate website, or if it will be added as a tab on the homepage of this very blog.

However, there are two things I can tell you for sure.  No, make that three.

The first three guests have been finalized.  I cannot give you any hints as to the identity of the first three guests just yet.  Myself, along with a co-host will either interview the comedian together, or either one of us will interview the comedian separately.  I have a local Saskatoon comedian in mind as a co-host.  This person will interview comics either after shows in the city or outside of Saskatoon, either in person or through Skype audio.

The podcast will focus on the Saskatchewan comedy scene primarily, and major headliners that pass through the province will also be interviewed.

What types of questions will be asked?  Well, given my comedy coaching I would like to think that I have more insight than the average comedian when it comes to writing, performing and that sort of stuff.  It will be kind of like WTF, I suppose.  Although with my experience of having taken comedy classes from what I have leaned, I think that will allow me to ask more probing questions about comedy than most.

I am open to any local comedian wanting to come on.  The show length has yet to be determined, but I’d like it to be anywhere from 30 – 60 minutes.  It won’t necessarily be a show where the comedian will come on and be witty and funny all the time.  I would like this to be an opportunity for the listener to really get inside the comedians head, to find out what makes them tick, you know?  So yes, the comedian who wants to appear on the show will need to have a story to tell, not just come on to bullshit, crack one liners and always be funny.

I hope to have the podcast name, the co-host and the first three guests announced in the next couple of weeks, in addition to where it will be made available (blog website or a brand new site for the podcast).  I would like to have the podcast up and running so when I get to Los Angeles, I can interview comedians that I meet down there.

Whether you are a comedian from Prince Albert, Regina, Bengough, Kindersley, Saskatoon, Ponteix or anywhere else in the province, as long as you have a story to tell, regardless of how long you’ve been in comedy, you will be considered for a spot on the show.

This will be more than guys yelling into a microphone trying to cut each other down or be crude.  This will be comedians interviewing other comedians about comedy.  I’ve done lots of firsts in comedy in Saskatchewan already.  The first comedy blog, the first comic to be affiliated with a comedy school, and now the province’s first comedy podcast.

There may be guests on the show that aren’t comedians, but the show would still be on a comedy topic to try and show you another side to this famous person that you didn’t know existed.  I have some ideas in my back pocket for special guests down the road, once we get a few episodes underneath us.

As with the blog, this podcast will be done with you, the comedy fan in mind.  I will soon have an email address and/or Twitter account dedicated solely to this podcast, where you can send in your ideas for guests, questions or comments.  Hmmmmm…….maybe we can get people who aren’t comedians to send in questions.  That’s always a possibility.

Thank you all for your loyalty and support to date.  I am looking forward to this new chapter in my comedy career.  I hope you have as much fun listening to it as I will have putting it together.

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