The Defining Narrative?

When I sit down to write a blog post, it’s usually based on what I feel in the moment.  Yes, those thoughts and emotions may not last the next day, or next week for that matter.  But, they are part of the narrative and why The Stand-Up Diaries is such a compelling read. My plans, thoughts and feelings can...

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Adults That Don’t Grow Up

You can generally tell who your friends are, and who they aren’t, by how they act in the defining moments. Even acquaintances whom you would consider to be on good terms with, will show their true colours in these moments. Allow me to briefly explain. I know that some local comedian(s) wanted me to fail at the...

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Matching Wits With Dim Wits

Wednesday nights are done.  I won’t be going back to do Wednesday open mics anymore.  After two weeks ago, why should I submit myself to be disrespected by the host and trashed by a fellow comedian when I have done nothing to deserve such treatment? Have you ever had somebody rain on your parade constantly, no...

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Have you ever….?

It was early September, 2011.  I was 38, single and unemployed, yet again.  What few things I did have were in storage, as I had moved back home for a brief period of time.  But I had a big decision to make that had nothing to do with job hunting or finding a place to live. A few years prior I was into the political...

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No Chance?

I’m adopted.  Most of you knew that.  On days like today it carries a bit of an extra meaning in celebrating our country’s birthday.  Our FREE country’s birthday. I could have been picked by any set of parents, and maybe taken to another city, or another province even.  Maybe even another country...

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