Here To Stay

It was just over four years ago this month that the newest character was introduced into the Saskatoon comedy scene.  Before it, no other character had any success, much less staying power. Carnac the Mediocre was an offshoot from the Johnny Carson character called Carnac the Magnificent.  Carson played a psychic...

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Carnac Deconstructed

    I had a fellow comedian accept my suggestion of writing material for my Carnac The Mediocre character.  When I started doing Carnac two years ago, I put out the invitation for anyone to give me material ideas for Carnac. I appreciate the effort made by the comic to come up with material, but none of it...

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Have Turban, Will Travel

I had a friend recently talk to me about Carnac the Mediocre.  This friend suggested that I maybe take Carnac to the retirement homes to do. While it’s an interesting and unique idea, I believe it comes with uncertainty and more questions than answers. I don’t want Carnac to become a novelty act.  I would...

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I Shall Devine The Answer To This Question

After two months of preparation and developing the material, convincing someone to let me perform, then getting a costume put together in one week on short notice, the first two performances of Carnac The Mediocre are in the books! Even though I have only had two performances, they have been at two venues on opposite...

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Neighbours With The Jeffersons!

It’s safe to say this summer has been without question, the absolute worst of my life.  No doubt about it.  From family strife, some people walking out of my life, some throwing me under the bus and receiving anonymous threatening comments to my blog, it’s been shit.  Oh yeah, can’t forget about...

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