A Tale Of Two Families – One Ignorant, One Inclusive

This Christmas was the absolute worst I have ever experienced, and like I said on my personal Facebook page, I couldn’t be happier about that. They say that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.  When you start changing your response when situations come against you, you will see the...

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Back To The Scene Of The Crime

This will probably be the last post of 2017, so I will take a moment for reflection, with an eye towards the future and a major announcement. This year has probably been the most difficult of my life.  I would almost put it right up there with the year of the trial and trying to get Nicki back (the first time). I...

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The Last Show On The Biggest Stage

I appreciate the kind words from some of you regarding my decision to continue with the blog.  I tried to hand it off to another local comedian, but he told me it isn’t the same unless it’s coming straight from me.  Despite how shitty my life is at the moment, it made me feel better.  For a moment....

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Just Do What Blue Rodeo Says

Next Friday night marks my return to the Laugh Shop at the Ramada, the second show into their fall schedule.  The closer I get to showtime, the more confident I’m beginning to feel about the new direction I will be taking with my comedy. All that I had to do was remember where I was performing, at a...

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With Admiration To Regina

Of all the Saskatoon comedians I am the one who has worked with the Regina comedians the most.  I have a good understanding of the comedians and what each one brings to the table.  Having said that, I realized that I never covered an obvious topic that hasn’t been touched on since the blog started. What is the...

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