How Can You Soar Like An Eagle Surrounded By Turkeys?

As I have stated before, when you write over 350 posts during these eight plus years, there will be times when you think a topic or a video clip gets duplicated.  Then again, if that is the case, there’s probably reason for it given the circumstances.  So, at the risk of duplication (not that I really care),...

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When You Know That You Know, Do Others Know?

I just checked the stats from last year to see how many views the blog got.  It was down 1,606, or 25% from the previous year.  It’s also the first time in four years that I didn’t hit at least 6,300 views for the year.  I’d like to say it’s concerning, but in the end few give a shit.  People...

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God Told Me To “Take A Seat”

A comedians life is never simple.  It’s one fraught with anxiety, self-doubt and the feeling that you are alone on an island.  Today was one of those days where at church, I felt convicted to change a major part of my act for 2019. During worship my mind was racing.  Going into worship, I had a tortured mind. ...

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A Tale Of Two Families – One Ignorant, One Inclusive

This Christmas was the absolute worst I have ever experienced, and like I said on my personal Facebook page, I couldn’t be happier about that. They say that life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you react to it.  When you start changing your response when situations come against you, you will see the...

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Christians Can’t Be Funny? Just Watch Me

I don’t really know where to begin.  All that I know is how I got here up to this point.   We all need to evolve, and not in the physical sense, because that’s a given.  I’m talking about evolving as a person, having your ideas, attitudes and beliefs reflect who you are.  If you don’t change,...

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