Getting A Second Chance To Make The Right Impression

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The cover photo of the Facebook comedy page has changed, the suit is going to the cleaners, and daily edits to the material can only mean one thing, the return of Trevor Dean to The Laugh Shop.

Remember the 30+ pages of material I wrote last year?  Well, it’s stuck in last year.  I have written several new pages of material for 2018.  The new material will be worked in with my current material, with a few new wrinkles that some of you haven’t seen before.

With the 2018 material, I have managed thus far to get away completely from the consistent self-deprecating material.  This new material covers subjects that other comics don’t talk about, or it’s coming from a completely different angle on a popular subject.

Regina is a great place to do comedy.  The room is cozy, usually packed with a very receptive audience.  As per usual, I will record the entire set and not only post it online, but it will be broken up into “segments” of my material that cover specific subjects.

This will be my first stage appearance in 2018.  It has taken me a long time to get back Regina and get an opportunity to get the opening slot.  Some of my friends in Regina along with some of the Regina comedy scene will possibly show up.  I don’t expect anybody from Saskatoon to come out to the show because we all know I don’t have that kind of a following.

Some comedians wouldn’t dare put themselves in front of a challenging audience or situation where failure on some level may be a possibility.  Me?  Well, I’m a bit different than most.  I’m not scared to throw myself into the fire, because the times of greatest growth will come when you set your ego aside.

Until then, let the countdown begin……..


  1. Vern
    Jan 10, 2018

    Good to hear!
    Both the comeback to the stage, and the positive spin on the material.
    It’s hard to move forward, when you are carrying the weight of the past. This is what 2018 is for…release and renew!
    Go get em Trevor

  2. Catherine
    Jan 10, 2018

    Go get them Trevor!

  3. Carla
    Jan 11, 2018

    2018 will be a new year for you! Way to start the year out on a positive note! You have this!

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