Going Down

Numbers can be a great equalizer, show a deficiency or lack, or empower you.  But regardless of how you slice it, numbers never quite tell the entire story.  You need to dig a little bit deeper. In looking at the numbers for this blog, it’s been about nine years and next year it should eclipse the 50,000 views...

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Which Came First, The Comedian Or The Chicken?

I heard a comic I know say that some local comics aren’t getting any better, but they aren’t getting any worse.  It’s as if they plateaued and are content staying there.  Watching comics take too long to set up a joke and not make it relatable, or being away from the live shows for months only to...

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You Need A Set Of Eyes To See A Vision

On my personal Facebook page, I have unfollowed every single one of my friends.  I no longer receive their status updates to pop up on my news feed.  This means that on occasion, I miss something of significance to comment or support.  This has happened more than once.  I’ve also unfollowed every single news...

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Copy Catter

I just finished watching the great documentary on stand up comedy from several years back.  It’s called The Art Of Stand-Up that was produced by the BBC.  Watch it on YouTube.  For anyone who thinks it’s easy to get on stage and tell jokes, you will see there is a lot to it that the average person does...

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A Detour With No End In Sight. Maybe.

As many of you know, I have a side project that takes up more of my free time than I originally thought.  For the most part, I have been really good in respecting the wishes of those in charge and not promoting or talking about it on my various social media pages that are comedy related.  But this time, I will talk...

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