My Experience With Speed Dating

I’ve done a lot of crazy things in my 44 years thus far. Some of them make others scratch their heads, some make me scratch my own head and wonder what I was thinking. Among my peer group I have been the leader when it comes to stepping out of the proverbial comfort zone to try something daring, exciting and...

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Adults That Don’t Grow Up

You can generally tell who your friends are, and who they aren’t, by how they act in the defining moments. Even acquaintances whom you would consider to be on good terms with, will show their true colours in these moments. Allow me to briefly explain. I know that some local comedian(s) wanted me to fail at the...

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Equal Laughs For All

When I started in comedy over six years ago, the scene was completely different from what it is now.  Especially if you were a woman. In the first few years I started, there were only two that tried their hand at open mic comedy.  The first comic had done it a while, though while she was nice to look at and good to...

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The Alphabet To Overcoming Failure

I know that I am not a success like some of you who read this.  My family lets me know.  Other comics let me know.  My critics let me know.  However, I do know something about standing your ground in the face of criticism, lies, slander and threats.  If you want to learn how to be an overcomer, I’m here to help...

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Size Matters……To Me

If you look up the definition of the word windbag, the Google dictionary defines it as “a person who talks at length but says little of value.”  The Merrian-Webster dictionary defines a windbag as “an exhaustively talkative person.” I have grown up with windbags all my life, and they still...

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